What does it do ?
- Wotpot is your own Purchase Manager. It automatically recognises when you make a purchase online, and records pictures of the screens you were looking at leading up to that purchase.
- So, later, when you want to buy the item again, it will take you just a few seconds to find where it came from. Not only that, you will be able to see all about the item, how much you paid for it, and what alternatives you looked at before you bought it.
- Furthermore, you can then click a button in Wotpot to go straight to the retailers website, and even straight to the actual webpage you were looking at before you bought the goods. Enabling you to quickly and easily buy the item again if you want to.
- All of your data is held securely on your own computer. Nothing is sent online to anywhere else. So no one else can see any of it.
- Wotpot runs on any PC or laptop using Windows 7,8 or 10, and the free Google Chrome browser.
- You can use all of Wotpot for free to see if you like it. Then you can carry on using it for the tiny price of a sandwich and a cup of coffee per year.